Negative Reviews? We help detect, dispute, and remove negative reviews:
Reviews that do not comply with community standards.
Reviews that are malicious or that have nothing to do with your business.
Reviews that include inappropriate content.
Review Remedy removes illegitimate reviews that violate community standards and/or terms and conditions of the respective online review platform (i.e. Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, etc.). Some of these violations include, but are not limited to:

Reviews Not Containing Text

Spam And Fake Content

“Repeat Offense” Bad Reviews From The Same Individual

Inappropriate Content, Profanity, Racial Terminology Or Bullying

Fraudulent Reviews From Competitors

Reviews Misdirected At The Wrong Business

Reviews Left By Individuals That Have Never Visited The Business

Reviews From Current Or Former Employees

Reviews That Don’t Refer To An Actual Experience

Inappropriate Images

Reviews That Include Personal Information

Reviews Containing Slanderous Content

Review Remedy Diagnosis
After careful analysis, Review Remedy will be able to rate your reviews. The prescribed scores represent the likelihood that your illegitimate reviews can successfully be removed. These scores are built on a number scale from 0 to 5.
- 0.0 – Removal is not possible
- 1.0 – Removal is highly unlikely
- 2.0 – Removal is unlikely
- 3.0 – Removal may be possible
- 4.0 – Removal is likely
- 5.0 – Removal is highly likely

Review Remedy Business Protection Plan
Review Remedy is your best business protection plan against unwanted bad reviews. It is our mission to protect your online business reputation from fraudulent attackers and permanently remove damaging bad press. Our platform will make it easy for you to pinpoint unique negative content, identify who (or what) composed the bad review, and submit for removal.
Sign up now! to see what business protection plan works best for your you!
The Review Remedy platform is user friendly.
Review Remedy’s platform is user friendly. We’ve gone to great measures to ensure that everyone from a tech-savvy professional to the average Joe can easily navigate our console with ease. Bottom line: we’ve created a program to help business owners protect themselves from fraudulent reviews that can, ultimately, weaken the wellbeing of their business. To see how easy it is to work within the Review Remedy dashboard, visit our YouTube channel.

Review Dispute Platform:
Defend The Health Of Your Business

Bad reviews can damage your business reputation. Needless to say, it is important to ensure that they don’t affect your good ratings. Your business will need a reliable, easy-to-use software that will help you detect malicious content and get it removed. We can help you remove fake bad reviews from Google, Yelp, and various other platforms. Review Remedy is here to help!

Our Review Remedy experts will work to assist you in your bad review resolution. With our careful analysis, we will be able to effectively qualify review fraud and submit it for removal. We’ve got you covered!

Review Remedy runs on our review removal software AI, a machine learning technology, designed to identify fraudulent activity amongst review platforms. If a review violates rules or guidelines on a review platform, it will be submitted for removal. Let us nurse your review pages and online presence back to peak health!
Additional Features

Once our software AI detects and evaluates a fraudulent review, an in-depth removal strategy will be implemented. In addition, Review Remedy can help guide you through customer resolution and win those customers back!

Not all reviews will qualify for removal! Therefore, relationship management is another key aspect in bad review mitigation. Review Remedy will help your team reestablish customer relationships and improve communication with them. Keep it genuine and transparent!

Review Remedy will send out real-time notifications once your bad reviews have been analyzed and/or removed. Whichever you prefer, your notifications can be sent via email, SMS, Facebook Messenger, or Slack. Let’s make it happen!

Review Remedy can act as your best defense against bad review infections spread by some of your competitors. Disinfect!

Review Remedy can pull the plug on bad review bots programmed to destroy your brand. Regain command!

Review Remedy can spot a bad review picked from a rotten crop from a mile away! It is unlikely that you’ll get an authentic review from review farms. Protest review farms and go organic!

Review Remedy can reveal the truth behind dishonest customers. Often times, these individuals do not follow online review platform guidelines. Therefore, these kinds of reviews can be removed. Detect the lies!
Still Not Convinced?
Here’s why managing your business reputation and your online reviews are so important.
A Harvard study purported that 80% of customers will not buy from a business with a bad review and that it takes 10 to 12 good reviews to offset a single bad one.
72% of customers will not commit to any action before they read a review (My Testimonial Engine).
According to Forbes Magazine, every single negative post made online costs businesses an average of 30 customers and $6000 per year in lost revenue.
The most successful brands average a 4.2 to 4.7 star rating (Spiegel Research Center).

Lets take a look at why it is so important to manage your online business reputation.
Reviews are the most crucial part of the purchase decision for 90% of U.S. customers, according to Turn To Networks.
In a recent report by Review Trackers, Google accounts for 57.5% of all reviews worldwide. Google is the most powerful platform that helps get exposure to your business.